customizing Open Enterprise Server Client

Nach einer Installation des Opentext™ OES-Client, können Anpassungen hinsichtlich der Tray-Icons oder des Icon am Welcome-Screen (Login-Screen) durchgeführt werden. Die entsprechenden Regedit-Keys haben wir hier aufgeführt. Sie sind tlw. nicht vorhanden und müssen gesetzt werden!

Name: CustomCredentialProviderBitmap
Key Name: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Authentication\NCCredProvider]
Value Name: Tile Bitmap
Value Data Type: REG_SZ
Comment: Specifies the path and filename for a bitmap (.bmp) that will be used on Welcome screen tiles whenever a user-specific bitmap is not yet known. Recommended image size is 448x448, but will be scaled down by Windows according to platform and display characteristics.

Name: CustomLoginDialogBitmap
Key Name: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Login\Banner]
Value Name: Image
Value Data Type: REG_SZ
Comment: Specifies the path and filename for a bitmap that will be used on the OES-Client Login dialog in place of the default OES-Client bitmap. General recommended size is around 800x200, but may become scaled down depending upon display characteristics. The login dialog size may increase if possible to try and accomodate differently-sized images.

Name: CustomSystemTrayIcon
Key Name: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Network Provider]
Value Name: Custom Systray Icon
Value Date Type: REG_SZ
Comment: Specifies the path and filename for a bitmap that will be used for the OES-Client for Opentext™ Open Enterprise Server's system tray icon. The bitmaps need to be in .ICO format, which allows for the inclusion of multiple resolutions within the same file, and is the "icon" format that Windows is expecting. Recommend including at least 16x16, 20x20, 24x24 and 32x32 resolutions for Windows to present optimized versions of the smaller-sized icons.

Name: CustomShellExtensionIcon
Key Name: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Network Provider]
Value Name: Custom Shell Extension Icon
Value Data Type: REG_SZ
Comment: Specifies the path and filename for a bitmap that will be used for the shell extensions such as when right-clicking a file or folder located on a Opentext™ Open Enterprise Server, from within Windows Explorer. The bitmaps need to be in .ICO format, which allows for the inclusion of multiple resolutions within the same file, and is the "icon" format that Windows is expecting. Recommend including at least 16x16, 20x20, 24x24 and 32x32 resolutions for Windows to present optimized versions of the smaller-sized icons.

The Opentext™ Client for Open Enterprise Server provides the capability for customizing the system tray icon and the shell extension icon that will be displayed by the client. A set of optional provided alternative icons are available for download from "Alternative Icons for use with Opentext&trde; Client for Open Enterprise Server". You can customize the Opentext™ Client for Open Enterprise Server installation set to deploy one of these provided alternative icons, or one of your own custom icons, using the following instructions and information.

A change to allow customization of the shell extension icon and the system tray icon has been included beginning in the Opentext™ Client for Open Enterprise Server release. This is in addition to the custom credential provider bitmap and custom login dialog bitmap support that were already present.

In addition, functionality has been added to SETUP.EXE which will allow the administrator to include custom image files within the installation set for the Opentext™ Client for Open Enterprise Server, and SETUP.EXE itself will handle copying the custom images during installation and configuring the registry setting needed to enable use of the custom image. This functionality is available for all four custom images: shell extension icon, system tray icon, credential provider bitmap and login dialog bitmap.

The functionality is enabled through the INSTALL.INI, as documented within the INSTALL.INI itself. In addition, example image files have been included within the installation set for Opentext™ Client for Open Enterprise Server, to provide specific example of what image type and size will work. The self-documenting INSTALL.INI includes this section for "CustomImages".

; Optional custom image files that can be included in the installation set area.
; installation set. Only the file name can be specified in the following
; configuration fields; absolute or relative path names cannot be included.
; CustomCredentialProviderBitmap=ClientCredentialProviderBitmap.bmp
; If specified, this image file will be copied to the C:\ProgramData\Novell\Client\
; folder, and the full path to the file will be set as the "Default bitmap for Welcome
; screen tiles" in the "Advanced Login" section of Client Properties. Recommended
; image size is 448x448, but will be scaled down by Windows according to platform
; and display characteristics.
; CustomLoginDialogBitmap=ClientLoginDialogBitmap.bmp
; If specified, this image file will be copied to the C:\ProgramData\Novell\Client\
; folder, and the full path to the file will be set as the "Default bitmap for Client
; Login dialog" in the "Advanced Login" section of Client Properties. General
; recommended size is around 800x200, but may become scaled down depending upon display
; characteristics. The login dialog size may increase if possible to try and
; accomodate differently-sized images.
; CustomSystemTrayIcon=ClientSystemTrayIcon.ico
; If specified, this image file will be copied to the C:\ProgramData\Novell\Client\
; folder, and the full path to the file will be set into the registry as the
; "Custom Systray Icon" value in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Network Provider].
; Recommend including at least 16x16, 20x20, 24x24 and 32x32 resolutions for Windows
; to present optimized versions of the smaller-sized icons.
; CustomShellExtensionIcon=ClientShellExtensionIcon.ico
; If specified, this image file will be copied to the C:\ProgramData\Novell\Client\
; folder, and the full path to the file will be set into the registry as the
; "Custom Shell Extension Icon" value in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Novell\Network Provider].
; Recommend including at least 16x16, 20x20, 24x24 and 32x32 resolutions for Windows
; to present optimized versions of the smaller-sized icons.